Whelp, this is the final post in this blog...not that people are exactly checking up on it anyway given that we haven't posted in months! Thank you all for joining us on this incredible journey!
A new adventure begins...
Just got back from seeing Ellie's infectious disease doctor...for the last time (huge sigh of relief!) No more "TB-like bacteria"in her little body. It's all gone. We're done! No more hospital stays. Or tubes up the nose. Or spinal taps. No more medicines. No more wondering and trying not to worry.
So great to be able to move on with life. God gets ALL the credit! A huge thank you for all those who had been praying!!! And a great reminder to us all: God listens...and responds. Trust Him.
For those of you still watching this episode of "House"...
We are home. And very, very glad for it. Nothing like spontaneously leaving your home for a few days and sleeping in a hospital fold-out chair to make you appreciate home! We are so blessed to have the Vaughn family, who traveled with us to Rwanda and adopted two kids of their own, living in Charleston! They took us in so we didn't have to pay for a hotel room. They took Elijah for half a day, feeding him, bathing him and putting him to bed. And perhaps of equal significance, they brought us a HUGE basket full of food and drinks for our stay. Very, very grateful for them, and for ALL the amazing friends and family checking in on us constantly and praying...especially the Beaumont family for helping out with Elijah so Jeremiah could get some work done before leaving for the hospital! Don't know what we'd do without them! THANK YOU! We are forever grateful!
THE SCOOP: We're waiting for several lab results, most of which will take a week or so, and one that will take about 6 weeks. So we still don't have a lot of answers, but the infectious disease doctor has ruled out cancer and is pretty sure it's not TB again. So...that's good! There are still some very serious possibilities, but the mostly likely scenario still seems to be that it's a TB-like bacteria that's affecting her body in a way they're not used to seeing. Some of the tests being run are to check if her immune system is working properly, or if there's a deficiency there.
Regardless, if you're reading this and thinking "Ummm...I was around her a lot...could this be contagious?" relax. You're good. =D
In a few weeks, she'll likely start taking several medications, but certainly nothing we're not used to! We are hopeful and we are trusting the Creator of the Universe no matter what.
Scars and struggles on the way, but with joy our hearts can say: Never once did we ever walk alone. Never once did You leave us on our own. You are faithful, God, You are faithful!
Many of you don't yet, but our sweet daughter was admitted to the hospital in Charleston yesterday. They're afraid she still has a drug-resistent form of TB, or something else (they're really not saying...so much is unknown at this point). Several tests are being run (including a spinal tap this morning), and she'll be there at least until Thursday morning. Any and all prayers are greatly appreciated! God can move mountains (quite easily, actually!).
Thank you all! We'll keep you posted.
Ellie has grown 3 3/4" while Elijah has shot up 5 1/2" since their arrival under a year ago!!! Amazing what a little love, medicine and nutrition will do...

Erin, Elijah, Jeremiah and Ellie Smith (Bluffton, SC)