Well, we were hoping to have more definitive good news to share, but here's what we know at this point.

We haven't officially ruled out the serious possibilities of what this could be, but so far the results from all the tests have been good.  They've done a CT scan of her chest, an MRI of her head, a spinal tap and a ton of blood work.  And she's got a tube in her nose to get samples of her gastric juices every morning (by FAR, her least favorite part of the whole experience). 

It's looking less like something really serious, but as I said, nothing's been ruled out definitively.  It seems that she might have some kind of obscure TB-like bacteria growing in her body...some germ they have yet to determine.  Could be a lot of things.  Cultures have to be grown (over several weeks or months) and we have to wait on all the lab results...which will be sent away and therefore will take much longer than normal and much longer than we'd like.  But we're hopeful that there will be a (relatively) easy and painless fix for all this. 

Presumably, Ellie will still be released sometime tomorrow morning.  We know that a lot of people have been praying and are curious about her progress, so we promise to do our best to keep you posted!  Thank you all SO much for your incredibly kind words of love and encouragement. Thank you most of all for your prayers.  They did not go unnoticed!

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